Enjoy a new normal lifestyle with #diRumahAja #diKantorBisa motorbike maintenance.Bengkelijo.id - Call Motor Service is a mobile application that supports the New Normal government program during the pandemic that offers motorbike maintenance at home. The Bengkelijo.id application provides an exclusive experience and various conveniences in ordering matic motorbike maintenance services, just order maintenance services and make an appointment then wait for the Bengkelijo.id technician #diRumahAjaBengkelijo.id working locations:- at home- in the office- according to customer requestBengkelijo.id services include:- Complete treatment- Oil change- CVT treatment- Replacement of Motorcycle Spare PartsATTENTION!As long as the pandemic has not ended, reduce activities outside the home and maximize activities at home.Bengkelijo.id - Motor Service Call1. Facebook: bengkelijo.id3. Instagram: @ bengkelijo.id